1 on 1 Workshop

Join Kellsie for a 1-on-1 workshop that will take you through her signature bridal look, from start to finish. With her years of experience as a professional makeup artist, Kellsie will cover everything you need to know, starting with skincare and all the way to final touches.

During the workshop, you'll have the opportunity to practice alongside Kellsie on a beautiful model, allowing you to refine your skills and receive personalized feedback. This hands-on experience will give you the confidence and expertise needed to create flawless bridal looks for your clients.

But the workshop isn't just about perfecting your makeup skills. Kellsie will also share her knowledge and insights on running a successful makeup business. Whether you're feeling stuck, unmotivated, or just need some guidance, Kellsie can help. She'll cover everything from social media strategies to the ins and outs of running a makeup business, helping you take your business to the next level.

This 1-on-1 workshop with Kellsie is a valuable investment in yourself and your business. By learning from an experienced professional, you'll gain the skills, knowledge, and confidence needed to build a successful makeup career.